Saturday, March 8, 2008

March madness...

It's tax time again and I am gathering up papers and receipts to get ready for the annual meeting with our accountant. I have also decided that I am just really lazy when it comes to editing photos for internet posting. It really is time consuming when I would rather be making things or playing music. I managed to get one pic together for your viewing pleasure. In the past year or so I have been making these crazy hollow formed beads that are inspired by things you would see under the microscope. I've been calling them amoebas or giant microbes ( I know there is a difference between the two but I claim artistic license here). Last year at the Tucson show, Karen Flowers saw these beads and suggested that we do some collaborating and this is just one of the results with more to come. She did the excellent bead crochet work that plays off the colors in the bead. 
In other news: 
I am profiled in the April 2008 issue of Bead & Button Magazine which is now on newsstands. This is very exciting for me and I hope you get a chance to check it out. Unfortunately I won't be able to attend the Bead & Button Show this year. My sister who is currently serving in Iraq will be coming home on leave to get married so I will have to pass this one up. I am so excited for her and can't wait for her deployment to be over later this year. 

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