Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I've waited this long...

Sure, May is almost over so I thought I would do a gratuitous post before the month is through. It's all in keeping with my supposed personal blogging reforms. At least once a month to seem like I'm being regular with it. I go through periods where I think I have a lot to say but then I don't want to take the time to talk about it. 
My good news at the end of the month is that my sister has arrived home on leave from Iraq, the bad news is that she has to go back and finish her deployment which will be over in November. At least we'll get some family hang time with her and she gets a chance to relax and breathe some cleaner air. I don't usually post my political views on the interwebs but suffice it to say that I have been against this fiasco of a war since the beginning but I salute my sister's service and her sense of duty. She is career Army and believes deeply in service to our country. Unfortunately the same cannot be said of our reckless leaders that continue to play dangerous games with our nation and the rest of the world, and that's all I'm going to say about it right now...

Be sure to check out my new link to Head Gardner at the Garden of Earthly Delights. I think he puts together some of the most interesting and exciting music mixes for your listening and downloading pleasure.

I'm still trying to get the hang of the Blogger interface, seems like it has a mind of its own sometimes...