Saturday, February 12, 2011

Post Tucson

Sunset at the end of another Tucson show.

I've been home for a week and have spent most of my time plowing through papers and other crap in my office getting ready for tax time and the annual appointment with our accountant. A top priority for me this year is to get a JOB. After so many years being self employed, it's just not enough. I would like a job that I can go to and leave at the end of the day and that will allow me to continue with my creative endeavors because I will never give up my art and music or I should say, art and music will never give me up. I have my heart set on a couple of places that I'd like to work, I just hope they will like me too. My resume is long and varied. My mission is to write the most kick ass cover letter that I possibly can. Wish me luck in my search!


kathyd said...

good luck joyce .
i will send good vibes your way.

kate mckinnon said...

Anyone who chooses to hire you will be amazed by what a treasure they found. I would recommend you to anyone for just about anything.

Lulu said...

May the force be with you, Joyce. Love the picture of Solana Beach...I miss it! And miss you, of course...

Ammie said...

Good luck Joyce! I empathize,, and will be crossing my fingers for you.